Friday, September 27, 2013


The reasons that they named the 4 accademies stem to match because it good to know the accedemies and that they could be put together so that it would be easier then doing all 4 academies . Also puting them together it would help in your future life for a job that you have when you get older you will use them in some kind of way when you are older and when you have a job . They should be put together because they are kinda alike in some ways and also it would just be easier with all 4 accademies together.

Friday, September 20, 2013


The connections I have are that the wages are not always the same they are they are sometimes low and sometimes they are high it just depends on how much expectancty that career has . Also that the projected growth is sometimes low and high and that the career has alot of different qualites in it .Every jobs have different tools for that certain job and there are jobs that are alike in somke ways . Im learning that every job is different in many ways .

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

carrer exploration is good because we get to learn about carrers and to try to get to know what you might want to do when you want to get a job . Carrer explore is a good class to be in cause you will know all about different kinds of jobs .